I finally bought Tarte Shape Tape
So after all my hemming and hawing over if I should buy the Shape Tape or not, I finally decided, that although I had tried lots of concealers over that last few months and quite liked a few, I would buy the Shape Tape and see for myself what all the fuss is about.

QVC is the UK stockist for Tarte. The Shape Tape comes with a beauty sponge and costs £28 plus £3.95 p&p. However, they are currently offering 4 easy pays of £7 per month plus £3.95 on the first installment, which does make it easier to afford. It can also be bought on the Tarte website for £19, which I'm guessing uses drop shipping like the Elf website, and means that you won't have to pay import duties, but I could be wrong.
The shade range on the QVC website is limited to just 6 shades but on the Tarte website there are 14, which is a huge difference.
I'm not sure what I was expecting, as I have seen the concealer on lots of YouTube beauty channels, but it was a lot chunkier than I had imagined it.
It has a massive wand with doe-foot applicator with a little dent in the centre, which means that you get plenty of product.
I have tried the Shape Tape a couple of times now, and I have to say that I am really impressed with the pigmentation and coverage. I know that this sounds a bit clichéd but a little does go a long way.
All in all, I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised at just how good this concealer is. Sophdoesnails from YouTube uses Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer and I have tried it and I have to say that it is a very good cheap concealer and is probably my favourite drugstore concealer, but it is just not the same as the Tarte Shape Tape. When this one runs out I will definitely be buying another one.
All the best