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L'Oreal Vs MAC foundation

You may or may not know that I have been struggling with finding a good full coverage foundation for my oily skin. (see here, here and here).

After not getting on with the MAC longwear foundation, I went back and they exchanged it for the Studio fix fluid.

I do find that this foundation has better staying power through the oils my skin puts out. It doesn't breakup and go patchy as the longwear foundation did, and does give better coverage. However, I still wouldn't call this a FULL coverage foundation, as I can still see scarring and, I'm not sure whether to call them beauty spots or dark freckles, any-who, they are not being covered. I also find that this foundation oxidises about 1-2 shades darker, which is annoying as I have one of the lighter shade that they do. I am also highly aware that I am wearing foundation. I think I might be taking this one back too.

I also went and bought the L'Oreal Infallible 24H-Matte foundation. I was going to try the True Match, but I didn't want a dewy finish.

Now this foundation is High coverage, so it doesn't claim to be full which is good, as it's not.

I have to say that "it does what it says on the tin", so to speak. It's matte, it basically stays where it's put, unless you rub at it and it has a matte finish.

I'm definitely preferring the L'oreal foundation over the MAC foundation and I have to say that I have been a MAC whore for years, since I was about 16 or 17. However, I am starting to see the light on certain things. So as I emerge from my ignorance and my dark cloud, and step into the light that is the whole world of makeup (not just MAC) and rediscover colour, shade, light, texture and finish, I will take you along for the ride, I can imagine it will be quite illuminating/ humiliating.

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