Puff the magic Lotion

Back a few weeks ago I bought the Temple Spa Eyes Wide Open - Soothing Eye Care Lotion, as an addition to my Skin Care Class kit.
Now I'd heard that this lotion was supposed to be really good for reviving and de-puffing eyes, but I'm a natural cynic, so I wanted to test it out before I used it in a class and said that this would de-puff eyes.
So last night I had been watching a not particularly emotional program (my hormones got the better of me, I'm afraid to say) and ended up having a few tears. Now when I cry whether that be a few sly tears or a huge sobbing fit, my eyes swell up like I've got an allergic reaction, and usually my eyes will still be swollen the next morning.

So you can see here that my eyes are pink and my eyelid on the right is swollen and that I have quite dark circles under both eyes.

Here in this photo, my eyes are still pink but some of the swelling in the eye on the right has diminished and the dark circles are not as pronounced.
What I did was take two cotton pads and put about 5 - 6 squirts of the lotion on each pad. Placed the pads on my eyes and sat back for less than 5 minutes and voila. So you can imagine if you left the pads on for a bit longer the results would be even more pronounced, but I was on my way to bed and I didn't want to stay up too much longer. I also found that all the puffiness had gone by this morning, so was very pleased indeed, as I was going to a network meeting.
All the best xoxo