Blemishes, Spots, Pimples and Acne.
I'm sure I've mentioned this before but I suffer with adult acne. I didn't really get pimples or acne when I was a teenager at all, but once I hit my mid-twenties acne became my new best friend/ fiend.
I've tried leaving them alone - they just got bigger. I tried squeezing them - they got inflamed and sore, but did eventually go away but took forever. I tried Freederm - didn't work at all. I went to my doctor when it got really bad and he gave me a solution in a bottle, that helped and for a while where I didn't get any, but they came back.

Any-who, you get the jist, that my acne was quite stubborn.
Recently I've found that as long as I stay on top of my skincare routine and practice it religiously that it's not too bad. I get the odd one, when Aunt Flow comes to town, but nothing major.
Back a few weeks ago I was skulking around in Kiehl's to see if I could pick up some samples to try out and came away with a sample of the Kiehl's Blemish Control Targeted Blemish Spot Treatment - bit of a mouthful I know.
So when that time of the month came round and I had a small breakout - one on my forehead, one on my nose and one on my chin, I decided to give it a go.
In the sample there was only 1.5 ml, however, you only need a small amount to treat the spot, so a little goes a long way.
I'll be honest in that, Yes, I did squeeze them. (I can't help it, I know I'm not supposed to but I just can't seem to stop myself. Ugh!)
The one on my forehead went in two days, the one on my nose has gone, after five days of treatment. The one on my chin is still being quite stubborn, however it hasn't gotten any bigger and it's not sore.
I have been applying the cream once in the morning after using my micellar water and once in the evening after my regular skincare routine before my moisturiser. I still have some of the cream left and will continue to use it to see if the acne bump on my chin will disappear soon.
Once I have finished my sample I will be purchasing this cream as it really did help to get rid of my spots, it may not be the right thing for my acne but it did stop it from going bonkers and from getting inflamed and sore, so I'll definitely be calling that a win.
All the best xoxo