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SAD for Winter

Back in February I was diagnosed with SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder. I had been suffering with this for the last 10 to 15 years in silence mostly. I am the only person in my family (that I know of), that suffers with depression and SAD.

I was having a rough time in my job and wasn't very well, so they sent me to see an occupational therapist, who diagnosed me with SAD, but due to the timing there was little they could do.

Now 6/7 months later, I've changed my job (I'm now self employed), and I'm starting to feel the affects of the nights starting to draw in and the bad weather.

So, what's a girl to do?

I went to my doctor and they have a agreed to do a baseline vitamin blood count, and I will start to take a multivitamin that has vitamin D and B vitamins (there are 20). I've chosen Premtesse from Lamberts. It's a high strength tablet and has good reviews from users. I also found a website that was doing a discount and I bought 120 tablets for £12, on Amazon 60 tablets were £18, so I am feeling quite pleased and the postage and packaging was free!

I will also be investing in a light-box, and as recommended by the SAD organisation, be making sure that the lamp gives out at least 10,000 lux. I've got a shortlist of ones that I am interested in on Google, but will be doing more research before buying one.

I'll do an update in a month or so and let you know which lightbox I invested in and how the multi-vit is helping.

I hope that by sharing this with you, that if you too feel the affects of SAD this winter you won't feel alone.

All the best xoxo

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