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The Close Shave

I'm sure I've mentioned in previous posts that I am going to a wedding, so in the interest of being at my best for the day I am trying different products, hint and tips.

The dress I've picked for the wedding is a maxi dress that is a light semi-see through material with a long petticoat underneath. So I am debating on if I need to shave my legs (Yes, is probably the right answer for this) and if I should self tan my legs (they are very white, as they don't see much sun all year and even when they do don't tan very well.) Again this is probably a yes to the tanning.

Having done a bit of research, apparently the best time to shave your legs is before bed not first thing in the morning (who knew?) and to use oil not water. Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate is the name of the game when it comes to using self tanner and not to use an oil based exfoliator, as the oil can create a barrier to the tanner.

So using these three simple rules I am going to try out these hints and tips.

As you can see I am using Skinny Tan 7 day Tanner and that my legs are very pale, the picture above is before I've shaved my legs (and believe me there are hairs on there, they are just fair). So I'm off to shave, exfoliate and tan my legs into submission. I'll post the results once I've applied the tanner and again once it's had time to develop overnight.

So these are my legs after I've applied the tanner.

I first scrubbed my legs with cold water, soap and an exfoliating glove, to help free any hairs trapped by dead skin cells and help the hairs stand up, ready to be mown down. Next I used my shaving gel and applied this with upwards strokes, again to help the hairs stand up. Using short strokes in an upward motion I used my razor and rinsed after every stroke, so the blades didn't clog up with skin cells and hair.

Once that was finished I wiped my legs down with a damp cloth to get rid of any left over foam. I then rubbed a small amount of water based moisturiser into my legs (I used Epaderm, which I get on prescription from my doctor as I have a dry skin condition and eczema). I then used a scrubbing glove to remove any excess moisturiser and exfoliate again before applying the tanner using the application glove that came with the product, in downward strokes. Once both my legs had been covered I used a damp cloth to remove excess product from my ankles and knees, so that they don't go orange, I also read, to add a little bit of moisturiser to those areas to tone down the tanner.

Now it's just a waiting game. The tanner says to wait at least 5 hours before washing it off or overnight for the full effect. So I'll wait until the morning before taking the final images to show you.

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