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Acne Vs Vicks Vapo Rub

How this started is; I found an article stating that mint and menthol were good for getting rid of acne. Having read this I went in search of why.

So I had Vicks vapo rub left over from my last chesty cough and thought "what the hell I'll try anything once. There was nothing in it that I was allergic to and I could just wipe it off if it didn't feel right.

I washed my face thoroughly before grabbing a cotton bud and smearing a little on an acne bump that I could see trying it's damndest to make an appearance. "Lets try and cut it off at the pass" I thought and try the vicks.

The texture: just like vaseline.

Smell: menthol and spice

Feeling on the skin: to start with nothing, then after about a minute or two there was a slight tingle but nothing horrendous, and after about 30 minutes to an hour it just felt a bit greasy.

I only applied the vicks to the acne spots/ cysts, just like a topical treatment cream, and left it on over night.

Well low and behold the next morning, the bump was less swollen, less red and just less. So that night I smeared it on every acne bump, (I had a bit of a crop of them at the time) around half a dozen or so clustered on my chin, and have repeated this every night for a week.

After 1 week of applying the Vicks vapo rub every night before bed, my acne has cleared up and I have had no new eruptions. I still have a few little bumps but they are clearing nicely and I am able to cover them completely with make up, Yay!

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